Engineering Ingenuity
for a Resilient Future.
Discover a New Approach to Delivering Engineering Solutions
We are Civil and Structural Engineering Consultants providing reliable, sustainable, and cost-effective solutions for built environment projects.

Structural Engineering
Civil Engineering
Due Diligence Support
Expert Witness Services
Structural Surveys & Inspections
Building Information Modelling
Geotechnical Services
We provide a host of services to the property sector from concept through to completion. Whether it is a detailed design, advice or a survey, we are here to assist you with any of the following services:
The name ‘trillium’ derives from the Latin word ‘trilix’ which means triple, referring to its three petals. It is a perennial flowering plant, known for its resilience in growing in a multitude of diverse and challenging environments and is symbolic of simplicity, balance and strength.
At Trillium, we are inspired by the symbolism of the trillium flower and just as it thrives with its three petals, our practice is built on three foundational principles
Exceptional customer service.
Strategic problem solving through careful planning & critical thinking.
An unwavering curiosity that leads us to uncover the most optimal solutions in terms of practicality, sustainability, and cost.
We work across multiple sectors and are flexible in our approach. We understand the different drivers and constraints that impact the design output within different parts of the property and infrastructure sectors and adapt to suit the project and client’s desired outcome.
Our team have experience across all sectors in the property market, both in the UK and internationally for a wide variety of clients in both the private and public sector.